C’est dimanche, c’est Bob Dylan, The Original Vagabond !

J’aurai pu y penser avant ! Voici du Bob Dylan, un des plus grands poètes de notre époque, ce n’est pas que moi qui le dis, Sir Elton John l’avoue aussi !

J’espère que vous aimerez les citations du vagabond, le prix Nobel de littérature, l’éternel rebelle qui ne l’avoue pas ! Mais tu l’es Bob, avec ta guitare (sèche ou électrique), ton harmonica et ta tignasse !

Passez un agréable dimanche (confiné ? Moi oui…)


13 réflexions sur “C’est dimanche, c’est Bob Dylan, The Original Vagabond !

  1. Great work Jaskiers ! Where world would be without Bob Dylan. I guess we’d all be Robert Zimmernans… Bob is fantastic, all his lyrics have the « Duende » as Lorca talked about him … that magical unnameable thing, in every verse, in the choice of words, in what he did with them.And the music served as a flying carpet on which his words came to us…. The documentary Rolling Thunder is excellent … it was a completely different time, other people … Bob … Patti Smith , Ginsberg, Ferlinghetti… Today « Time they are the changin » as he sang … but,, Let’s swim or sink like a stone « , as he said 🙂 Poetry will rule the world!

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    • The most unbelievable things about his words, It’s that they still are so accurate for the present. It’s like he saw the futur when he wrote those lyrics.
      I’ve read the first part of his autobiography, and He is also a great writer, He really have a gift !
      Thanks for you comment Poet, I hope you are doing well !

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      • Exactly, his lyrics and music live on – I like the song « Lay lady lay », the Al Jorgensen and band Ministry did a cover … great! Those songs have something in them … just like Johnny Cash recorded « Ring of fire » .. my friend Paul Speckmann did a cover with the band Master … amazing, when you have a while take a look at Youtube, first the original Cash and then a cover by Master…….this is the power of how the music and lyrics can live on even after years! Also thanks to people like you who maintain the legacy of people like Bob, Papa..writers for future generations. singers, poets … I liked yesterday how you noticed the story about the jammed Hemingway tray and the photo about it … yeah! 🙂

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      • I know « Ring of fire » by Johnny Cash ! Cash and Dylan were great friends and sang a couple of songs together. I will check out your friend cover !
        Thanks for the good words friend ! But I think you are working hard too for the futur generations, I presume it take a lot of work and knowledge to do what you do so… Respect to you !


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